Sunday, 12 December 2010

final journal of the 3 week block

Bonjoor !(< - >)! everyone finally we come to the end of our TP, hope you all had very good and useful experience. Basically I am feeling ok, but in the same time little bit disappointed although I tried so hard to communicate with my MST but it didn’t work. However, I accomplished my mains witch are finishing the ICT project in 20 minutes and the display.

This week I had to work in different classroom and the whole experience was totally awesome because I managed to establish good relationship with the new MST, the TA and the children. The big surprise was that I some of the children already recognized me because of the RWI session. Some of them hugged me while others peek from my old classroom and come to greet me and ask when they will finish the ICT booklet; therefore I had to tell them to go back to their classroom. Although the atmosphere wasn't pleasant I had to work more effectively and show my best only for the sake of the children.

I have seen different session of the RWI and to be honest with you all it was life full the techniques that the MST implemented was completely new and interesting, and I wished if I had to teach in this classroom at the beginning of my TP. Because this MST made sure to let me join with her and interact with the children  while she implement this sessions which shows to me that she want to share  and give lots of useful things to me. It makes me feel appreciated and more than welcome to work in that environment. According to my observations this MST always tries to include other aspects of teaching methods no mater it is a math session or a WRI session witch reinforce good learning all the time.  There are some wonderful strategy that I haven’t seen in my previous class room, the MST  always encourage children to choose their partners to work and in the same time she remind them all the rules of how to show respect to each other with listening making eyes contact and taking turn while sharing and discussing the right answer. Moreover, she made sure to value children point of view, ask them to be honest when she ask any question that is related to their learning process with giving them sensible explanation.  The best thing she give the children a chance to make their own decision and she relates her personal experience to motivate other children who feels shy to overcome their fears to involve in any difficult activities.   

Although the circumstances that I have been throe lately effected my self steam  and made me feel that I am not welcomed in that classroom, I determined my mind  to act professionally with a smile no mater that challenges that been made for me on purposes, therefore I  accomplish my ICT project as well as the display successfully witch the children appreciated the most. I did established good relationship with my new MST miss Lynn and Jenny. Moreover, I had wonderful communication with children parents and the best thing was they appreciated my effort with their children who mentioned me at home.   Furthermore, I had a situation were the children kept saying that they feel sleepy while the RWI session therefore I suggested to play the treasure hunt of some sound such as (ee) (oo) (hg) (ow) , so we went out side and enjoyed finding the sound and the letters.

There was a huge infuses on developing good relationship and working collaboratively in a small group, also huge effort on reinforcing good behavior and manures in the class room witch makes the environment full of positive energy.

The new MST that I had to work with was the good example of humble Hume been and perfect teacher, that I wished to work with from the beginning of my TP. But we cant get everything that we wish for therefore as a student teacher I tried my best to deal explicitly with all kind of situation in very calm and flexible way no matter how bad the circumstances that I faced. As a professional teacher we have to understand another need and try to improve each others skills, teaching it all about sharing new techniques and experiences with each other to promote good learning. Because children are our responsibilities and teachers should make sure to fulfill their learning interest. By preventing the children to interact with the display that they have been working on, really disappointed their expectation because they already told their parents about it and were very excited about it. In my point of view this attitude showed that their work is not been valued and owner. In this 3 days I experienced and learnt lots of useful things, I always ask my self how my relationship worked out successfully with those new MST were they really supported me appreciated my effort in every single step. And why my MST didn’t appreciated my single effort how could she ignore it no matter how hard I worked. I start to ask myself Am I difficult person to deal with? I strongly believe that no matter how perfectionist we are as a teacher we should accept the fact there will be some one better than us and adapting new ideas and trying to make improvement in our self is the solution to over come any problems.  Because we are important part of the society and the community and it is our responsibility to educate the children with the best methods.

Monday, 6 December 2010

2nd 3 week blocks

Ohayoo my class mates how are you? I hope this week TP went well. In these 2 days I had to do 4 days job which was really fun and stressful, However thing with me went seemed to work as my expectations but somehow it wasn’t. Still I am hoping of getting the best out of this TP just wish me luck. (0-^)

I have done most of the duties that the teacher does on a regular teaching day, but this time I was stressed because I had to prepare the activities for the RW inc session as well as the preparing displays activities. Also I had to complete the ICT assignment project with my group. Moreover, I was concern about managing the times to spent between fixing the display , attending the urgent teachers meeting for the national day and reading the stories for all the children. Also I had implemented music and movment session with the children after reading story that is related to it and you wont belive how they all had fun as well as myself  witch was really fun.

This week I had the responsibility of mentoring children in the playground, since my last TP  experience in this school I haven’t seen a single teacher interacting and supporting the children while playing, therefore I made up my mind and I pup up playing with the children encouraging them to climb up the equipments that they get away off most of the time. To be frank girls this is a great way that you can lived and remember you childhood where you can share with the children your instant adventures experience in the same time they can learn a lot out of you because you are being the role model and inspiring them to be adventurist which I enjoy the most.  while that one of the girls fall down and she bumped her head on the ground thank god , once again my emergency responder course helped me, and the great the teachers were really impressed. Also I have seen some children pulling off the flowers from the bushes there for I had to explain that their behavior is unexpected we need to treat the mother nature kindly, after that I had to talk to miss jenny so we took the children in the rainbow room to explain how does it feels when we treat the nature in unreceptive way, so we demonstrated all their bad behavior with one of the children and pretended that this child is the tree and when we pull any part of our body we can heart it so later  they linked to their personal experience and promised to treat the nature kindly. This live demonstration and the open conversation are really effective because through it teacher can break the wall of fears from children’s heart were they feel that their social interaction and thoughts are being valued and appreciated, in the same time all of them are getting and sharing useful information which will help them to develop their thinking perspective.

Basically the activities that I prepared for the RWI, numeracy and the display went really very well and the children seems to enjoy it the most specially reading stories and acting it out as well as dancing. Therefore, some children such as Nour came and hugged me in front of the MST and her mum, she told me that she will miss me the most because she will soon leave the UAE and go back to Lebanon. Also Hasan make sure to bring his mum to talk about him before the school end and Iv received positive comments from her toward me attitude and how his child had progress. Moreover, Yahya kept telling me that I am the best teacher that he ever had. Although after tying so hard to communicate with my MST there is always something wrong, she tries to pick on me I don’t know why.  

teacher should act and behave professionally and the most important thing is to give other people chance to listen others point of view and think about how to make changes in their life, no mater how perfect they pretend to be. As a matter of fact we all are different and I strongly believe that each one is especial and have unique quality ,the best thing is to work collaboratively to achieve the best and influence other were we inspire them to learn help in the process of the community.  so best of luck to all of you girl and try to work and enjoy every moment of the final TP. Remember keep smiling no mater how desperate you are and keep thinking positively good luck(>-~)

Sunday, 5 December 2010

1st 3 week blocks

Hi girls hope you all had a nice TP, this week really went so quick and somehow it was really stressful for me but the best part was the children were cooperative and they always made me smile although sometime my MST treat me in unfairly, to be honest with you all I am just counting the days so these 3 week block finishes. But till I promised myself to show my MST how determine I am toward my responsibilities ,no matter of the challenges I will face I will be positive and behave in a professional way (! - !)   

Basically my best experience was visiting the Mushrif  park with the children and hunt for the different kinds of houses all around the park, in the bus I had to remind the children of the safety rules and then we wear all singing song such as the wheel on the bus goes round, also 12345 once I caught a fish. Moreover, my main focus was to accomplish my display and enjoy all the process of making it. Moreover I have attended the teachers meeting to help out in the national day event and the good thing was most of the teacher were impressed with the idea of explaining our flag color. Also I managed to work on my ICT survey with group of children and finally 6 of them love Ben 10 therefore next week I will do the searching on the internet to get some pictures of Ben 10.

This week I did communicate with lots of parents and some of the children were offecialy introducing me to them there for after talking with my MST I got the permission of explaining for the parents about the ICT project ans explaining the purpuss of implementing it with their children, the best comment that I have recived from some parent was that their children were mensioning me and they talk about me with their parents in a positive way, this really make me strong and be patient to tolerance my MST s negative attitude.

This week TP wasn’t good enough I had to face lots of ups and downs while interacting with my MST but still I have to think positive and keep smiling trying to work and think above her expectations, to be honest with you all my this MST is not flexible at all however the TA is wonderful who always shows interest in my work and from time to time she make sure to give me useful suggestions witch I love the most about her. As a teacher it is very important to support new student try to be flexible and communicate clearly. Hope when I will be teacher I wont treat my Student teacher in this way because my main concern will be to make the my student teacher the best teacher that work and think professionally with all sort of people in respective way. Still for next week I will be positive work harder and try to show my best in a professional way , hope the MST will be cooperative the next week.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Hi girls to day I had been though a very exciting day with the children while implementing the activities that develops children writing skills were most of them wanted to play. I think that I achieved today’s aim which makes me feel like I am flying in the sky.

 I have done most of the duties that the teacher does on a regular teaching day , which was taking children attendance, reminding them the classroom rules , taking part with the children in the WUSU session,  and the most important explaining explicitly today’s and  the next week task to my MST and the AT.
Also while the swimming class some children was annoying my AT and poor she seems to be in trouble always keep insisting on the Arabic children to speak with her in English, so I had to teach her some Arabic terminology that will defiantly work with her every time that they annoys her, you won’t belie this once they saw me helping her that they told don’t tell her but my AT seems dispirit for help because these children always treat her badly. Moreover, I had to remind them about our maters as well as teaching them showing respect to our elder without arguing. After this miss Gaynor thanked me and asked me every time I teach her some Arabic words.

After the story she introduced some position name by drawing bridge on the board and ask them to work with their friends to form as quick as they can the symbols of standing beside someone or over, under the bridge. I enjoyed participating with my At in this activity because by encouraging them to work co-operatively with their friends forming the position and converting it in to action this will help and clarify  for some bilingual children who doesn’t differentiate between the positions,  got confused to understand or mixed up the concept  and use  the proper word in conducting  it in their real life.

While the story time I really wanted to read (We Are Going To A Bear Hunt) but the teacher read it therefore I stood beside my MST forming the entire story seen Actions by moving though interacting with my h and you won’t believe that my TA keep staring at me and smiling. It was  really amazing because children were  standing and interacting with my actions they seem enjoying and having fun, at the end my MST appreciated my effort and asked  the children to say thank you, also they keep asking me to do it one more time.
Moreover, as I mentioned previously I have implemented some activates that develop children writing skills, so the first  all I remind them all the phonetic letters then I explained each activities by showing them a visual  examination. My first activity called the breathing mirror letters were children blow air from their mouth on the mirror then form the letters that I told them. Also the second activity called forming the letters on the sand tray.
Moreover, another activity called the finger painting on the mirror were 2 children should use their finger in mixing 2color then they have to form the letter properly but in the same time they have to do it quickly and who go the highest point will get a stamp. While implementing these activities children were during ne crazy because all of them wanted to have a chance and they kept asking me when is my turn unfortunately It was the end of the day  Thus I promised that next time I will give them that chance to play theses activities. Miss Gaynor my At seems to be very interested in my activities and she always show interest in my work. To be frank Mr Sean I strongly feel that my At shows more interest in me than my MST and motivate me every time, finally I want to mention that implemented my E-book with 2 children and observed their ICT skills, honestly I felt that I needed to do some changes in my e book in order of the sound system as well as choosing the background color and inserting some interesting animations.

The activities that I implemented will develop children hands and finger movement control while forming the letters, also it will develop their interacting skills and taking turns because they had to share the mirror as well as the social skills were they have to help each other while activities. Moreover, while the story time I encouraged them to interact with me by forming action and using their body moving effectively to develop their physical skills. Furthermore, it will develop their aspect of knowledge and understanding of the words while mixing the 2 color and producing new color.

Last time if you remember  when my MST observed me while the RWI session she told me that I should not pick some children and ask them to form and repeat after me writing letter. But this time she did the same thing this time with several children. As a important role of teacher it is to except other peoples point of view ant try to adapt new interesting teaching techniques because it all seeks toward developing children learning progress. It is not about who will show off and who is the best teacher although I am new in their environment and I have new thing that I can share my MST should understand and give me the chance to conduct and implement new thing to make changes because frankly life is all about making beneficial useful changes and accepting the reality, no one is perfect but there are some paths that can make our children word better to deal with otherwise we wont seek any success in educational programs. 

Sunday, 31 October 2010

week 7 TP

I had a very busy tiring day I couldn’t have a single break and right know felling very terrible and completely stressed out specially while writing this journal in the same class.

I had to do most of my MSTs assistant work today the one that I want to mentions that I helped in the fruits kebabs parents get to gather in preparing the tables cutting the fruits and setting up the plates while my MST went to the PE class but once I was done I helped yahia to wear his swimming suit who was punished for miss behaving in the class room so I took hem to PE ,furthermore while going to the PE miss Kirsten talk to me that miss Raj don’t know where I am and she needs me there, at that moment I was stun hello she saw me helping out in the preparation for the event and eventually  she could asked me at that time to follow her . This attitude really bothers me and it is unacceptable from the first day I told her explicitly that she share anything with and communicate directly without hesitating.  Sometime guise  I really cant understands her no mater how hard I try to work with her

I did implement another session of the RW inc my MST really liked it a lot but I was really sweating while the session cause I MR Sean was there and I had to pretend that he is disappeared.  
Furthermore, I tried out my story activities were the children really liked it a lot they were saying miss Khadija I want to play it one more time, even some of them came with their parents to ask me about the activity if they can show it to their mum and dad. Moreover, I told the children to line up and wash their hands before the snack time but one of the girls refuses to wash her hands so I played a trick with her I told her that if you won’t wash your hands the germs will go in you tummy and then it will heart you a lot so then you might need to go to the doctor and she will give you an injection afterwards she looked completely freaked out so strait away she went to wash her hand. Further more, while the WUSU I saw a boy called Hassan who was upset banging his hands  on wall so I went and asked hem wants bothering him he told me that Miss Raj doesn’t listen to him she screams at him. therefore I asked him have you done anything that made her upset he said no. so I cheered him up and encouraged him to participate in the WUSU later he came to me and said miss Khadija I don’t loke miss Raj I like you a lot because you listen to me and treat me well . Even I talked to his mum and she did mentioned that he always complain that his teacher scream him and don’t give him chance to explain the reason of his behavior. I really felt bad for him cause some time he get involved in others children problems and the teacher leaves the guilty once and start to punish them.

Teacher should try to change hyper active children’s behavior form example in Hassan case I have tried to involve him to help me in some of my duties which I think this is one of the good distraction techniques to make these kind of children to reduce their negative behavior and give them some sense of responsibility in the class room were we create balanced environment that make  children to communicate freely and share their problems experience without any fear but in a limited conditions and rules. By this they will value and appreciate the time were they understand the difference needs  that there is specific times for play and learn in any environment.

Monday, 25 October 2010

                                        Helping the mst and this child looks upset read about her

fisrt time teacher incourages the children to inter the reading corner

 i am caommunicating with one of the parents and discussing about my story with her childs loved it
 my first ever experience in implementing the RW Inc session that
I am proud of myself (^-@) lololooooo!

 Taking the atendance

Sunday, 24 October 2010

story telling

This day I was quite nervous because I had to real my story and implement my first ever RW Inc session. However at the end of the day I achieved good success which made it worth to experience. 

First thing first I took children attendance then I told them to lineup for the Wake up Shake up period also  first time I implemented the RW inc session honestly it was exciting because this experience make me realize how teacher put on a huge effort to try as much as possible to teach and send the right information to each child while my session I kept thinking carefully about each single thing that I did because this programmed has been designed in a special way so I had to follow the rules step by step. Moreover, I did offered my help to my MST while cutting some children activities later on I help them in decorating one of their displays.

 To day the first time ever I have seen my MST encouraging the children after they finish their snakes to inter the reading corned and try to read one of their favorite story book this attitude gave me the chance to take some pictures of the children while they are pretending to read therefore in the morning I have mentioned that if I can take some pictures while children are reading the book so later on I can decorate the reading corner to encourage other children to inter and read books and the good thing she gave me the approval.

At the end of the day I one of the Kareem introduced me to this mother and all this happened because he got so excited after the story telling time he kept talking to his mother about it which made me really glad. Therefore I had the chance to talk with his mother and she kept asking me if their any way to teach him at home how to blend Arabic letters so I gave her some suggestions and she seemed to be satisfied hope it will work without with Kareem.  Also By this I achieved one of the competencies. Also I did lots of praising while reading the story and the RW inc session were I observes each childe writing the letter N and then I made a star and a happy face on their worksheet. This attitude encourages some shy children to participate and break the wall of fear in the classroom and pay attention and this was success full. I like to menssion ms MST teqniqe to make the children calm down at the end of the day she asked them to liedowd fow few minutes, if I were her I would tell them to pretent to be the sleepy bunnies and liedown to sleep in their comfy cave which will make it fun .

While reading the story I made sure ask children as a group to work out, think, and help out the character to solve the riddle by this I developed their social emotional and numeracy skills. Moreover, while implementing the RW inc Session I tried to spread my knowledge and transfer properly the information among all of the students therefore I  help the shy and low standard abilities children to participate and  encouraged them expose their self  by asking their rest of their classmates to repeat after the child and Mr. fried the puppet and I rited to write the letter in the air whit the child , however my MST told me that I shouldn’t done this because its not proper to expose their disabilities in front of the other children. In my point of view I cant understand why not encouraging them to help each other I disagree her because as a teacher I should believe in each child ability and make them believe in their self steam that they can do it as anybody ales, to add on this  it is my responsibility to encourage these children to build their confidence and give them a chance to speak out and express here selves which will make them feel that they are valued and the teacher respects their point of view. Honestly teacher should teach and treat each childe equally and make sure to develop their one to one correspondence where I listen to the child and he responds oppositely. Other whys I don’t deserve to be a good role model or call my self a teacher.

There is one thing that really bothered in terms of the teachers’ attitude. Which is they don’t encourage children to take initiative and get indulge with helping out of making their own work of displays  while I was helping out the MST in organizing the display and the children work one of the girls called Noun came out and offered her several times but the teacher kept refusing and believe me the work was only passing the string in to the hole which can develop their fine motor skills by this attitude the teacher could encourage other children to work independently rather than relying on their made which unfortunately  happening in my situation. As a role of the teacher it is very important to build up their self steam and show that their effort and work is appreciated and valued were the child feels the senses of ownership in the class room. So Insha allah when I am going to implement my story activities I make sure to give each child the chance of getting involve in making out the interactive display. By this I want to show my MST that as a teacher it is our responsibility to improve each child self steam and make them completely independence so later on they will represent me and my learning through their attitude and behavior which in it self is a great achievement.