Friday, 18 March 2011

what a perfect day (^-^)

Hi girls What a day I had very interesting day with lots of fun and excitement. I think being appreciated from your MST and other teacher makes anyone feels good that whys I am happy.

I started my day with explaining the plane for my MST explicitly and preparing and organizing my activities.
Also I showed initiative to help my MST to teach one to one session of literacy and numeracy, therefore I took the child outside and I asked her how many litters you can see, try to sound each letter and then blend it there was times she fed up but I kept encouraging her by good job, I think you can read it. Also with this child it was difficult to teach numeracy may be because she spent long time reading letters.
Also I did the input session which was really cool children looked focused , this time I sat where I can keep my eyes on the clock so I finish in 10 minutes. I prepared the activities ahead on the tables and I explained it for the children explicitly how to carry on each activities. The best part was making the goat with junks as you can see in the picture below, during the activates I timed myself so I kept going back and watching the clock during the rotation time and guess what! Finally I succeed.

  The process of making Goat from Junk

colleting the junk and making the plane

dividing the role equally as a team  

Opsee ! Facing a broblem child crying therfore I had to calm him down and asked him to think about making some spot for the goat

Yeppee! finally smilling with the polistireen circle for the goat
Making the final touches

knock knock MR Goat
Hi I am shoked to see my soal mate
Unfortunately because of the sudden changes in the daily routine some of the children didn’t have the chance to look closely to the goat. However the group that made the junk goat had the chance to take their goat and present it informant of the real goat. Moreover, I didn’t had the chance to do the physical activity, therefore I had a second planed where I presented the junk goat and asked the children if they would like to taste goat milk and cheese so most of them were excited so I did had the first bite from the goat cheese then I did tasted the milk .after that I asked the children if they liked the taste of both goat milk and cheese show me thumbs up , and if you didn’t like it show me thumb down as you can see in the pictures below.
she liked the cheese

he didnt like the cheese
thumbs up
thumbs down
Furthermore, Rabbit class teacher asked me during the busy bee time to attend her classroom and read story in Arabic  so I took the initiative at the end of my session to read it. Moreover, I read Hondas Surprise story but I translated it in Arabic you won’t believe how children were good listener and they looked focused, therefore I did some drilling were they had to repeat after me fruits name as well as the animals name in Arabic. At the end I said thank you for being good listener in Arabic and MRS Murphy told them to say you’re welcome (AFWAN) which was nice gesture.
Drilling some Animals and fruites name in aranic
I took the children to the library so they can borrow new story books and after that read it independently, while that I asked one of the girls called Greta to read me a story and I know she is quite capable of blending and reading long sentences.  
I am pointing and she is reading for me
After the library time children looked really hyperactive so I managed their behavior by involving them in a singing if you happy and you know it .as well as creating action as you can see below in the pictures.
singing and dancing
Finally I did some independent writing activity with the children were I had to encourage the children to write  a sentence of their favorite part of the story , during that I realize each child has different abilities were some of them could write a long part of the story as Adham while other can even produce a single short sentence like Sylvie as you can see below.

I have seen a very interesting strategy to calm down a child crying , first step my MST ask the child to look at her eyes and she explained that her parent won’t come back she left to work , then she gently takes the child on her lap and cuddle her till she calm down. Finally she praised her for being understanding and asked her to play with her best friend.  

Also while the literacy session the MST encourages the children to write some sentences and she always make sure to remind them of reinforcing the good writer rule rules, intentionally she wrote the sentences without using the capital letter, no space full stop. Which gives the children the opportunity to correct the sentence as you can see in this pictures.  

Regarding to the Tp competencies I made sure to build a positive relationship with staff and the parents
Because I strongly believe that this step makes the child more comfortable and I become a trusty worth person, so in the future things can work out easily between us. Also I make sure to attend and explain my planes orally and explicitly with my MST so later on we both agree to implement the lessons input with a good verity of activities the cover the UK EYFS early years goal.
Furthermore, I am working hard to act as a professional teacher, especially while it comes to manage the class room environment and the children’s behaviors.
My next week focus will be to beat the input session time however this time I managed to finish the lesson in 10:03 which my MST said it is a good improvement.


  1. Well done on a very busy and challenging day Khadija. It seems like you are really getting into this TP and clearly taking the initiative in your class. I'm happy that you seem to have established positive relatinships at the school and that your MST seems so supportive. I like the photos - I can clearly see waht you've been up to! Putting the junk goat and the real goat together was an interesting idea too! I like your reference to your progress inthe TP competences - keep up the good work but please check your spelling!!! :)

  2. You worked really hard Khadijah :)

    I liked your activties espcially making the goat. Keep it up 7beebty : )

  3. I am extremely pleased that you created a positive relationship with your teacher comparing it to your last MST. The activities you implemented are great and very educational. Well done and keep it up
