Wednesday, 18 May 2011

final week of the TP

hi girls let me first congratulates you all for accomplishing you 3 week block , finally we are done with all the stress and this week I had lots of fun in the same time I did learn a lots of thing related to the classroom management  as well as the ways to discipline children’s behavior. it was tuff week because My MST had to attend a conference therefore officially I am the responsible for the children whole day, I had to implement all the input session as well as implementing a mini teachers meeting after the end of each days just to explain explicitly next day’s plans with my TA and the supporting teacher so just to make them ready and prepared for next day, honestly preparation and planning for different thing for each day was hard but once you see the result things get worth to try, specially once you get positive feedbacks .

As I missioned previously that my MST was out so I had the chance to experiencing  and controlling the children full day which was quite interesting and hard too.
 Here you can see all the activities that I implemented this week which is relating to both sparkle time and the busy bee times for example:-

For the PSN session I did prepared these activities
taking away object

matching patern game of the sea creaturs

For the KUW
session related to the corals

children using their 5 sensess to write the differencess abou the corals  
session relater to fiction and non fiction sea life book 

Observing the real turtles Enni and Mini    
For the PE
Practicing and dancing with the children for the assembly

Treasure hunt for the sea creature

For the ICT

For the CD
children made a non fiction sea life book with me

making sea creatures with shapes

Making 3d aquarium

As far I have seen 2 interesting things that attracted my attention which are, managing children negative behavior throe praising positive attitudes and reinforcing them continuously by exposing clearly her emotions physically, moreover I did tried to vary my tone according to the situation.
Also during the phonics session while my I was testing children’s writing skills a child suddenly was crying when I asked hem for the reason she kept repeating that she is incapable of forming and blending and others are better than her. Therefore I kept pampering her and telling her that if she can’t do anything she needs to tell me because I am there to provide help or she could ask for friends help. Also i kept encouraging her, telling her that she needs to stop saying negative things about himself, and try to be positive. From my point of view this attitude will defiantly raise this child’s self-stem and made her confidant.

Moreover this week I did realize that my class children are getting more challenging, some of them don’t respect others feelings try to get impolite and sometime they do make fun in front of me and the TA. which really made the atmosphere negative and in the same time difficult to teach Therefore, me and the TA tried to use the treating strategy and praise the children for any good behavior, to help showed her some samples of my previous class room rules booklet that includes children picture for the reinforcement. By this we can make the children appreciate and respect each other point of view witch will develop their sensibility in the social and emotional perspective.

managing childrens behavior

Basically I this week my main trget was to intergrate avariety of different techniques to enhance children learning process in the same time it should be suitable for each of their level of understanding. while this procedure I made sure to provide effective feed back to the children specially after implementing any CLL or PSN assessment which should be written expelicetly in their guided book.

Also I made sure to shows initiative and enthusiasm in the classroom specially while teaching the RWIN Session and it is unbelievable children some time remind me the rules before I start any session, which means that they already begin to like my style of teaching and it shows to me that they did understand and remember all the things related to the sounds.

Moreover I always looking forward to achieve the best therefore I took granted all of my MSTS
Feedback and  discusses personal reflections and classroom observations in order to make any improvement for the next input session. while this prospect I don’t get upset from any negative feedback otherwise I won’t be able to make any improvement.

children readiassesment
Finally I made sure to maintain a healthy professional relationship whit the parents and the children,there for my MST told me that parents likes you because children are mentioning me at home which mean I did influence and impact in their life positively .this week I gave one of my student a scarf because she wanted to look like me and their parent were really happy.

children shares problems

 Every day on the final week I sat a target on one of the UK EYFS early learning goal so I can work cooperatively with the children to achieve them all. For example while reading story made sure to encourage she children to join in and I did reinforce good behavior and the good role model. From my point of view as a   teacher I should believe in each child ability and make them believe in their self-steam that they can do it as anybody ales, to add on this it is my responsibility to encourage these children to build their confidence and give them a chance to speak out and express here selves which will make them feel that they are valued and the teacher respects their point of view. Honestly teacher should teach and treat each child equally and make sure to develop their one to one correspondence where I listen to the child and he responds oppositely.

As an important role of teacher it is to except other people’s perspective and try to adapt new interesting teaching techniques and that’s what my new MST always looking for, which honestly made me happy. In my point of view teaching is all about   seeking toward developing children learning progress. It is not about showing off or being the best teacher, it about spreading the knowledge among others equally although I am new in their environment I can clearly see the huge differences from my previous Tp environment which is full of positive energy and being there always make me  enthusiastic and keen to learn new thing and share useful knowledge with my MST.

At the end of the TP my TA gave me a letter which was a greet gesture from her and the children all came toward me hugging and saying we will miss you they also invited me for their assembly. moreover My TA wrote a nice letter saying thank you and MST thanked me and she brought for me this nice looking biscuit. I really appreciate their effort and respect them a lot.   

finally this is my complete display under the sea