Sunday, 15 May 2011

2nd week of three week TP

At the morning I arrived earlier than my MST and the TA therefore I sit up the busy bee books according to their groups for the children so they can write and draw, also I attended teachers meetings to discuss and brain storm ideas for week 3-4-5, I took initiative to share some ideas and they actually will implement it after we are done from the TP. I did my input session of the PE but suddenly my MST told me that there are 2 more class will take part in this whole PE session so I made a last minutes change  by discussing quickly with my MST and clarifying each child’s role , it was really fun and children were enjoying it a lot. Moreover at the busy bee time I had to do graded reading with 3 group plus doing assessments for each single child which was really hard. Also I was assessing my MST while the RWInc session because first of all it was her fist time to implement it and secondly she asked my support therefore I didn’t have the opportunity to do the ICT session with the children, finally I read a story related to the KUW which called who eats what, and I did some song at the end of the day and they were enjoying it.  
                                                                    PE session  (vollyball bubble game)

What a day wonderful da y I had it was full of joy, actually we went to ceramic c café which was awesome as you know pictures talk thousand words look and enjoy.

Generally it was a fun and busy day I did implement WRI session and after that strata away I went to do the sparkle time related to the math somehow I felt making the paper Masha was quite difficult and time consuming specially once it comes to let the balloons dries which means I have to push one of my next day’s activities in order to complete this one. However once I have seen the result I was extremely happy as well as my MST and TA.

Moreover children had fun when I did the treasure hunt it was really hectic because working to group of 16 children was quite difficult specially once it come to managing other class behavior , I was so disappointed although having the other class TA who suppose keep an eyes on the children and manage their behavior astonish she stand and do nothing to support .

parachute game finding missing letters of the sea creatures
Also I tote   a lesson related to the math and number lines therefor I made some activities such as making number line jellyfish tentacles for 3 different ability also making a sea creatures rulers as well as I have created a rainbow fish math booklets that I was proud my MST used it for children math assessment and it will go in their profile.
making number line on the tenticals

making rular using the sea creatures stamps
It was very busy day My MST was away and I had to do all day assessment. Moreover I did exciting writing were the children, guided reading.
 unfortunatly I am not able to take any pictures this day(!-!)
In terms of the TP competency I did a granted of this specific area which is:
professionalism:  I made sure to displays a high standard of professional behavior , everyday I made sure to be punctual because on this time I can set up things and discuss and explain explicitly each day input planning and the activities.
Monitoring and Assessment: I made sure to look closely and praise children progress white any implementation during the circle time as well as giving them a feedbacks in order to improve their reading or writing skills after doing the exciting writing assessment and  during the individual guided reading.
ICT session


  1. I loved the activities and the pictures show how hard you worked with these children. Well done

  2. I liked the activities and the pictures show how hard you worked with these children. Well done

  3. Another busy week and successful week Khadija! I'm amazed that you did a PE session with 70 children - you deserve a medal! It would have been nice to know exactly what you did with them! Similarly, it would be good for the girls to know what you did with the paper mashe and the treasure hunt. I loved the tentacle number linesbut I would have liked to see more focus on the TP competences as you are clearly making good progress in them!

  4. Hi Khadijah :)

    What a busy week u had. But i think u did a very good job choosing amzing activities. Well Done
